Please call the office if you have questions (218)547-3156
The Men of Immanuel serve a Fried Chicken Dinner and all the trimmings on a Sunday every June after Church from 11am – 1 pm.
Cooked at Charlies Up North by Charlie and Deb Thompson and crew. Check the Calendar for the exact date.
Immanuel Lutheran School holds their Annual ABC Sale on the second weekend of June each year. Basically it is a huge garage sale that they start setting up right after the Men of Immanuel’s Chicken Dinner is done and work through Wednesday night to set up. Thursday morning the doors open to one of the largest garage sales in the area. The times for the sale are Thursday, 8 am-6 pm; Friday, 8 am-6 pm; Saturday, 8 am- Noon.
The Men of Immanuel serve a Pork Roast Dinner and all the trimmings on a Sunday every June after Church from 11am – 1 pm.
Cooked at Charlies Up North by Charlie and Deb Thompson and crew. Check the Calendar for the exact date.
Flowers on the Altar
If you wish to donate fresh flowers on the altar the cost is $30 for three weeks. There is a flower calendar on the bulletin board.
100th Anniversary Cookbooks
The 100th Anniversary cookbooks have arrived. They turned out really nice. They are a 3- ring cookbook with a hard cover, nice heavy dividers and 431 recipes. They include some of the churches history for the last 100 years. The cookbooks are selling for only $15.00, if we need to mail them, there will be a $6.00 shipping fee added to the $15.00. We will be selling them before and after church services. You may also pick up from the church office. These cookbooks are a great and easy gift for any occasion. Any questions or to request your copy/copies, you can call Barb Vinkemeier: 952-657-2121; or email: or the church office:218-547-3156. Thank you for your support!
LWML Card Display
LWML has wonderful birthday, get well and sympathy cards ready for purchase for $1 each. Check them out in the card rack.
Light bulbs needed
Corina is in need of expired incandescent light bulbs of any size if anyone has any.
Printed copies of Sunday’s sermon are available at the entry from the ushers after Church. Please ask Pastor about copies available of past sermons.